Functional  Nutrition Therapy Coaching on healthy lifestyle changes and helping clients develop a better relationship with food while understanding their body’s unique nutritional needs.


Our team of registered dietitians provide the most comprehensive nutrition counseling available. We create individualized programs by analyzing your diet and  lifestyle. Our process starts by identifying each client’s specific dietary and lifestyle needs and predispositions to create the most complete and sophisticated programs, including Nutrition, Hydration, Stress Management, Sleep, Activity, and Lifestyle Habits.

Private Coaching

Personalized plant-based nutrition coaching involves working closely with a qualified professional, such as a registered dietitian or certified nutrition coach, to develop a tailored nutrition plan that meets your individual needs and goals. Here’s what personalized plant-based nutrition coaching typically entails:

  1. Assessment: Your nutrition coach will conduct a thorough assessment of your current dietary habits, health status, medical history, lifestyle factors, and personal goals. This may involve questionnaires, interviews, and possibly some measurements like weight, body composition, and blood markers.

  2. Goal Setting: Based on the assessment, you and your nutrition coach will collaboratively establish specific, realistic goals related to your health and nutrition. These goals may include managing chronic illnesses, improving energy levels, achieving weight loss or maintenance, enhancing athletic performance, or simply adopting a healthier lifestyle.

  3. Customized Meal Plan: Your nutrition coach will design a personalized plant-based meal plan tailored to your preferences, dietary restrictions, and nutritional needs. This meal plan will include recommendations for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and hydration, ensuring that you receive adequate nutrients while enjoying delicious and satisfying meals.

  4. Nutritional Education: Throughout the coaching process, your nutrition coach will provide you with education and guidance on plant-based nutrition principles, including the importance of whole foods, macronutrients, micronutrients, portion control, meal timing, and mindful eating practices. You’ll learn how to make informed food choices that support your health and well-being.

  5. Behavioral Coaching: In addition to nutrition knowledge, your coach will help you develop positive behavioral changes and habits to support long-term success. This may involve strategies for meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, dining out, managing cravings, overcoming barriers, and staying motivated and consistent with your nutrition goals.

  6. Ongoing Support and Accountability: Your nutrition coach will provide continuous support, encouragement, and accountability throughout your journey. This may include regular check-ins, progress tracking, adjustments to your meal plan as needed, troubleshooting challenges, and celebrating successes together.

  7. Lifestyle Factors: In addition to nutrition, your coach may address other lifestyle factors that impact your health and well-being, such as sleep, stress management, physical activity, hydration, and social support. Adopting a holistic approach ensures comprehensive support for optimal health outcomes.

  8. Evaluation and Adjustments: Periodically, your nutrition coach will evaluate your progress, reassess your goals, and make any necessary adjustments to your nutrition plan and coaching strategies. This continuous feedback loop ensures that your plan remains effective and sustainable over time.

  9. Empowerment and Independence: Ultimately, the goal of personalized plant-based nutrition coaching is to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take control of your own health and make lasting lifestyle changes independently.

By investing in personalized plant-based nutrition coaching, you can receive expert guidance and support to optimize your health, manage chronic illnesses, and achieve your wellness goals in a sustainable and enjoyable way.

Our virtual private coaching programs will take your experience to the next level. 

Give us a call today to schedule your coaching session today!