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Eating For Weight Loss

This 3 month program is designed to help you reshape your lifestyle by adopting healthy new habits and breaking unhealthy old ones. The goal is to make simple, pleasurable changes that will result in a healthy weight that you can maintain for the rest of your life.

Your new way of eating will be delicious, colorful and easy to make. 

Food Addiction & Breaking the Cycle

Have you ever said something like,”  I’m a junk food junkie” or ” I need my sugar fix to get through the day” ?


It may be hard for some people to take food addiction seriously but if you are struggling with real food addiction, you know how deadly serious it can be.  From diabetes, to morbid obesity, social isolation, mental and emotional problems and more. 


Our 12-week program helps food addicts begin the journey to recovery by teaching them how to change what and how they eat. We help them to understand that it takes more than good intentions and strong willpower to begin to heal. 


The Plant Based Nutrition For Diabetics

Through this 3 month long program we work with you from diagnosis to your next A1C test. Following a healthy diet that is sustainable for your lifestyle is crucial for the management of diabetes.  


We meet on a weekly basis to teach you the fundaments of cooking for the Diabetics the plant-based way! 


Stop guessing about what you should eat!  During this course we will teach you everything you need to know to manage your blood sugar with food and eating strategies. 


Following a healthy diet that is sustainable for your lifestyle is crucial for the management of diabetes. 

 A plant-based diet—an eating pattern that emphasizes legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, while eliminating most or all animal products—has been associated with a slew of health benefits, specifically lowering your A1C and balancing out your blood glucose.


We work in conjunction with your doctors in a way that follows their protocols for you but also assist you with developing an eating style to lets you look and feel your best.

Mommy's Plate

Plant-Based Nutrition for Gestational Diabetes

This 10 month plant-based nutrition coaching program is designed to help expectant mothers manage gestational diabetes through every trimester. Our expert team provides trimester-specific guidance to help regulate blood sugar levels and ensure optimal nutrition for both mother and baby.


The program includes:


Customized meal plans and strategies:  Addressing changing needs for blood sugar management for each trimester.

Plant-Based Meal Planning: Delicious, easy-to-follow recipes that balance nutrition and stabilize glucose levels.
Weekly Coaching: One-on-one or group sessions for personalized support, progress tracking, and adjustments.
Educational Workshops: Interactive sessions on meal prepping, grocery shopping, and understanding food labels.

Community Support: Connect with other moms for shared experiences and encouragement.


Mommy’s Plate combines expert advice with practical tools, empowering you to maintain a healthy, plant-based diet while managing gestational diabetes effectively.

Join us to embrace a nourishing pregnancy journey for you and your baby.

A plant-based is a healthful choice at every stage of life, especially pregnancy and breastfeeding.  A healthful well-planned plant based diet  provides all of the nutrients that you and your developing baby need.